Recommended books?

We are going on the May 20 trip. Can anyone suggest some books to read before we go? Tauck used to have a suggested book list through Longitude Books, but that company is out of business. Thanks.



  • edited February 2024

    What are you most interested in - the history of Japan, travel recommendations, or ...

    If you like movies (with subtitles) look at Akria Kurosawa's Seven Samurai and Rashmon. Two others I'd recommend are Yojimbo and Ikiru. Hollywood stole several of his story lines and made western movies. Seven Samurai was made into The Magnificant Seven and Yojimbo was made into A Fistful of Dollars.

    And read the story of the 47 Ronin. It's a true story.

  • The new upcoming Shogun series might be interesting. I thought there was still a reading list of you keep delving through all the tour page?

  • Thank you, British, that is just what I am looking for!

  • Sue_Wilchins We are also on the May 20th trip. Looking forward to meeting you:) I received an email from Tauck late Jan with the "know before you go" list that included the reading list,

  • Thank you Mimitravels!

  • Hi Sue_Wilchins and Mimitravels! We are also on the May 20 departure. I look forward to meeting both of you! I highly recommend "A Geek in Japan". I thought it would be only about geek culture but it's written by someone who moved from Europe to Japan and he explains the culture through a foreigners eyes, based on his experience living and working there. I have a much better understanding of the Japanese people and their modern culture after reading this book. If you have access to HOOPLA through your library, there are lots of free online materials available there as well.

  • MM Walsh - thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to meeting you as well.

  • To all of you who will be traveling in May, please report back on your experience upon your return home. I have traveled extensively, solo, but never to any Asian country. To pay for the tour, I'll have to be giving up gas and groceries for several months (laughing), so it would be nice to know that the trip is worth the sacrifice.

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