
I was just looking over the travel documents and it says to bring a few pairs of "white socks" for visits to temples/shrines.
Are black socks ok, or other colors?
Or are "white socks" required?


  • Just be sure that you have no holes in your socks

  • No white socks are not required, they can be any color, but they do like you to wear socks as without socks it’s sort of rude. Some temples may provide slippers, but again, you wear them with socks

  • Thanks...I was just surprised when it specified "white "socks .
    The wording would have been better if it just said "socks" without giving a color.
    Good to know the color doesn't matter.

  • Thanks Sue! I had the same question.

  • You don't need white, just sox. I didn't have any white, or my husband, so I bought some, only come in four packs, and didn't need white.

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