Zurich: Lindt Home of Chocolate - is the guided tour worth paying for?

edited April 2024 in Switzerland

We're planning a visit to the Lindt Home of Chocolate after our Rhine River cruise ends and I'm wondering whether it's worth paying extra for the guided tour at Lindt, or if the regular audio tour is sufficient. Any opinions?


  • I have always enjoyed guided tours as you are able to ask relevant questions. Lindt‘s is only 90 minutes and you’re able to buy the tickets online.

  • It's worth it! , if you like Chocolate and for the experience, YES! to you.- not every day you get a chance to visit the home of the Chocolate, so to learn/hear about its beginnings etc.. from a professional it's always a plus.
    I, personally take every chance I can to enjoy everything I've been given... and learn from it. if you are already there, a few extra dollars are not going to break the bank.

  • There is a Lindt chocolate tour in Cologne. It is on the river, and a short walk from the cathedral. On our Rhine cruise several years ago we spent the morning on the Tauck activity ( I think a walking tour) then stayed in town and skipped lunch on the ship and had a wonderful lunch of sausages, saurkraut and beer in town, toured the chocolate factory and still had plenty of time to rejoin our tour in time for a tour of the cathedra l.There will be plenty of chocolate at all of the stops along the tour and just about every chocolate shop gives out free samples.

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