
Can anyone advise what adapters are needed for Botswana as well as a long layover in DOHA? I've been reading that somewhere on the web that a transformer of some type would be necessary! Please advise. Thank you.


  • edited 2024 29

    I assume you mean electrical plug adapters. You can find a lot of information on the web - just Google your question.

    Many electrical devices made today will operate from 100 volts to 250 volts, 50 or 60 hertz. For some things, such as hair curlers, you may need to make sure it's a dual voltage appliance for travel.

    AlanS posted some very good information about plugs for different countries. Perhaps he'll post a link here.

    [More information that you need: The standard voltage in the US is 120 volts +/- 5%. The standard voltage in Europe is 230 volts +/- 5% (IEC 60038)]

  • This is a good source for adaptors. Just remember apple chargers can be used on both 110 and 220 current so all you need is an adaptor. Most of their chargers allows for the adaptor part to be removed and replaced and they have a great brick that allows for two cords to be plugged in. any other sort of electrical appliance would need a convertor. I believe Doha uses a G and Botswanna uses a G or a D plugs

  • Thank you.

  • Have you checked Tauck's website for your specific tour?

  • Yes, I did. I wasn’t 100% clear. Now I am.

  • edited 2024 01

    You may need a magnifying glass, but all power modules (wall worts) for phones, tablets, etc.) have their rating stamped or printed on them. As Mike said, most are dual voltage and will accept any voltage between 100 - 240 volts AC and still produce the necessary 5 volts DC that almost all small electronics devices use. Hair curlers, irons, cup heaters, big camera battery chargers, etc. will not work properly (unless rated so)- a 120 volt curling iron will burn up if you try to use it with rest of the world 220 volts. If you have one of those and hope to use it you will need a heavy duty (and heavy) high power transformer (converter) so don't bother. Just buy a travel version of that appliance that will work on the higher voltage.

    The type of plug adapter you will need to plug a two flat blade US plug into a foreign outlet depends on the country- there are exceptions, but the two main types of foreign outlets accept three fat rectangular pins used in the UK and a few other former colonies (Type G) or those that have two smaller diameter round pins used in most other places (Type C). For Botswana there are two associated plug types, types D and G. As Mike says you can Google it:

    Other things you can do is buy a multi-country adapter- Amazon sells bajillion adapters. Also, as many of us do, if you have a lot of small devices, is instead of buying an adapter for each module, buy the correct adapter for a small travel power strip that has multiple US receptacles as well as a few 5 Volts DC USB(A) and now USB(C) receptacles.

  • Thank you. When is your Utah trip?

  • 3 weeks.

  • Thank you AlanS, this is the best and least confusing response I've seen so far on this subject. VERY helpful.

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