Dinner Dress on 100% Tauck Cruise?

I understand that on the joint Tauck/Ponant cruises many passengers tend to more formal dress for dinner.

We are booked on the cruise starting July 6, which is 100% Tauck. Can anyone offer information about the dinner dress seen on 100% Tauck cruises? Do many men wear jackets and/or ties for the welcome and farewell dinners, or regular dinners?


  • Terry - When we did this tour in 2021 I wore a coat and tie for the Captain's Dinner. I don't recall if I wore a tie for the farewell dinner but I likely wore at least a jacket. I don't recall if our tour was 100% Tauck. There were only 69 Tauck guests so it probably wasn't 100% Tauck. I did not wear a coat/tie to any other dinners. I just wore slacks and a collared shirt.

    There was a welcome lunch in the Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik on Day 1 of the tour, but everyone just wore normal day-to-day touring clothes for that meal since following lunch the touring began.

  • Thanks, Sam. That's about what I expected for Tauck/Ponant cruises, and wondered if there was a difference when there were only Tauck guests on board.

  • Some Tauck guests never dress, so you should expect anything. We once went to a very elegant location in Malta for dinner, and one our number showed up wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and shower shoes. People who dress that way tend to sit at the same table. This was the location, once a hospital for the Kights Templar, and a picture of our table.

  • I have only taken one Ponant cruise (all Tauck guests). I do not know if it was because of it being in the USA, but we experienced many travelers dressed as Sealord described above, whether on the boat or at venues for the welcome and farewell dinners. Being comfortable does not mean one has to show disrespect for the venue. Merely my opinion.

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