La Belle Vie

Hoping the dress in Arthurs is somewhat relaxed. I am trying to par down on the amount of packing. Can anyone comment on this? Thank you


  • Dress for Arthur's is very relaxed. I'm pretty sure I once wore pjs & a robe to get coffee one morning. It has a more casual menu than the Compass dining room with hamburgers, flat bread pizza, Caesar salad, etc. It's also the same menu for the entire cruise unlike the Compass which changes their menu every day for lunch and dinner. Only dinner in the Compass is somewhat dressier. You'll still have your welcome & farewell dinners in Tauck hotel's so that will require some dress up clothing.

    The only times I change to dress clothes onboard the ship for dinner (other than welcome/farewell) is if I wore very casual clothes that day. Most nights you don't need to dress up unless you typically wear jeans, tshirt and sneakers type clothing. I pack one pair of nice dress slacks, 2-3 dressy tops and a pair of flats or nice sandals.

  • Thank you Claudi, I actually meant the Compass Rose dining.

  • Just dress comfortable. No shorts or flip flops. But doesn’t have to be “dressy”

  • Thank you

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