Where do Tauck’s river cruise boats dock in Paris.

Wanted to ask where Tauck’s river cruise ship is docked in PARIS before a tour starts?


  • It all depends on the docking reservation Tauck was able to secure. Other factors may include weather, events in the area, water traffic, et al. On two occasions we were docked next to what appeared to be a floating medical clinic (on other side of the river--actually quite interesting). Others have reported being in the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower.

  • We were just there; docked in a commercial area a half hour walk from the Eiffel Tower

  • Late last year our ship was docked close to the Ballon de Paris.

  • Usually Quai Grenelle. About half a mile downriver from the Eiffel tower. You can find it on Google maps which will also show nearby metro stops.

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