Cinque Terre, Tuscany and Portofino in 2025

Have you taken this trip? Reviews please. Thank you in advance : )


  • Also planning to take this tour in 2025. Question regarding Day2 in Florence - The itinerary mentions early-opening visit to Basilica di Santa Croce and after hours guided visit of Uffizi Galleries. Does anyone know what other activities are planned for that day? Just wondering if we should get tickets to other sites for that day to visit on our own. Thanks!

  • The info on the four age does not mention the tour of the Uffizi gallery being after hours. Looks as if it follows the church visit. You have to find your own dinner, so I suspect you have the afternoon free. I think calling Tauck would be best to get a clearer answer.

  • Florence is one of my favorite cities. If you have free time immediately after the guided tour, whether after hours or not, I highly recommend remaining at the Uffizi.

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