A week in Switzerland Brienz Rothorbaun Steam Train not open till June 8th?

edited July 2024 in Switzerland

We are strongly considering doing A Week In Switzerland on May 25th, 2025. After looking into activities, I realized that the Steam Train they feature as their cover photo for this tour isn’t even open when we would go. Called Tauck, and they will have to ask operations department. Might take a bit to get back to us. From what I can tell, instead of going to Brienz you go to a town called Sorenberg about an hour away, and get a cable car up to peak. You come back down the same way, and if you go to Brienz that takes about an hour to get there.

I am frustrated because if I can find out about this, Tauck has to know, and is advertising the steam train, time in Brienz, and a boat ride across the lake back to hotel. I think the experience at the top other than a different restaurant will be close to the same, but the rest of the experience is not as advertised. More driving, no train, and not sure if time in Brienz or lake cruise will be included.

Does anyone have any info about this, or have a similar experience of Tauck advertising experiences that are not available?


  • This is a new tour for 2025 so no one has taken it yet.

  • Momof3greatkids - Where are you getting your information from, especially the alleged changes to the itinerary? It is my understanding the train you are referencing begins operations in late May each year.

    Sometimes, and through no fault of theirs, Tauck has to adjust itineraries due to unforeseen events and will always give their guests advance notice if they can, but the first ever start date of this new tour is not until next year.

  • I do realize tour doesn’t start until next year. But, because we are interested in it and want to use our gift of time, I did a deep dive into the attractions, and on The website for the Train it mentions it only runs June through October. It has been this way for years. The restaurant you would eat at is located at the cable car station per Tauck, they know this just not sure when the train starts up. So, I imagine later tours will use the train., and the restaurant near the train station. Speaking to Tauck they also seem confused. They said they ask operations, but are still waiting to hear back.

    I feel like this info should easily be available to Tauck as the train schedule has been the same for years. And, they said they have no special deal with them to open early

    When circumstances change later I understand - things happen .This seems to be a case where they should easily have knowledge in advance.

  • Unfortunately Tauck is the only one who can answer so hopefully they get back to you soon. Always a bit risky taking a new tour the first year it starts.

  • I certainly understand your frustration with not getting a more rapid response from Tauck. I noticed on the train website there are several email addresses to their customer service. Have you considered sending them an email as well?

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