Milan Ferrari Driving Experience

Hi everyone. We will be on the northern Italy tour this fall. My husband is very interested in doing this “driving experience “. Does anyone know anything about it ? Reviews ? Specific information or tips ? We’d greatly appreciate your input. Many thanks !


  • We did the Ferrari driving experience inside the Museo Enzo Ferrari in Modena. It was great fun and can be arranged after reviewing the cars in the Museum. You are not actually in a car but its more like a video experience, sitting in a motion activated seat. My wife had a more successful drive than we did. Our tour director offered to set us up with tickets to the Formula 1 race while we were in Bologna. WE appreciated the offer but watch the Emilia-Romagna race at our room.

  • Tillyseattle, hello
    I know it's not the same...Ferrari vs BMW, but check with the Bellevue BMW dealer, they used to do the “driving experience “ - at the Renton /Boeing field.

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