Red Rocks Trip

My wife and I with two grandchildren (ages 6 and 8) and their parents recently completed the RedRock Bridges Tour. Yes, it was hectic, yes it was intense, yes it was a pain to pack and unpack five times, and yes it was expensive. But was it the best, most memorable trip we have ever taken!? A thousand times yes! Not only did Tauck design a trip that hit all of the highlights of the Red Rock Parks, they accomplished it with the best Tour Director we have ever had. Julie was Amazing! How she coordinated 34 guests, representing three generations, through all those Parks’s and activities was unbelievable. My children loved her so much that my granddaughter cried for a half hour after saying goodbye to her. If you can manage it Bridges is a great tour. We are looking forward to more and highly recommend Julie.
PS: we knew in advance the hectic pace and multiple packings; and the fact we were visiting in hot July. So not a criticism of Tauck, just a heads up on what to expect.


  • Yes, we had Julie last year. There were 46 people on our tour, so you lucked out!

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