Packing for September trip

We’re getting ready to pack for our Aug 30 Scandinavia trip. Curious about what kind of temperatures to be prepared for. Any need for warm weather clothes? Do we need warm coats? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! We usually travel to warm climates! Very excited about this trip!!


  • We went 2 years ago in mid September. I live in Southern California and am not as hail and hardy as most of you regarding cold weather. I took a puffer jacket (not down), rain shell, scarf and long sleeve T shirts. I was comfortable. We were stuck in Oslo extra days at the end of September, and the evenings got cool. Despite being at the Grand Oslo Hotel they had no heat in September and I was glad that I had a sweatshirt for the room. (they did bring us a space heater.)

  • edited August 2024

    I typically travel to Scandinavia in the fall months. Weather is variable depending on how far north you are traveling. I presume you are taking the 'Scandinavia' tour since Russia is no longer an option for obvious reasons.

    For me, a mix and match attire works best. Both my husband and I like merino wool in various thicknesses for its warmth and comfort. It is incredibly soft like cashmere—which we also take—and can be dressed up by adding some colorful scarves.

    We typically wear quilted vests over the wool/cashmere and/or blends and always take rain jackets with a hood and lightweight removable lining. You might bring along gloves for the time you will spend on the fjords and at higher elevations. Heavy outer garments are not necessary. Sturdy shoes with hard rubber soles are the best in my opinion. I always wear leather ankle boots for the added protection and they are also appropriate for evening meals.

    Hope this helps. Have a wonderful journey.

    Edited to correct typographical error.

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