More recent reviews

Seems like there aren't a lot of recent reviews for this tour. Anyone been on the trip lately have any comments? Anyone scheduled on the September 26, 2024 tour?


  • We are leaving on 8/23 for a Week in Ireland. I have been watching the weather all summer. In Cork and Dublin, the highs have been in the high 60's. Very few days have reached the low 70's. I will try to post something when I return.

  • I am taking this tour but starting on October 13th. A friend in Glasgow told me to bring a raincoat, an umbrella and more long sleeved shirts rather than SS shirts. Also told me to pack some "Jumpers" as they call sweaters. She also said since this is going to the Republic of Ireland that the currency is the EURO ! For 220 volt 50Hz electric outlets you will need a " G " type adapter.She also said that the weather changes so much it is almost unpredictable so to be prepared for anything.

  • I used to live in Glasgow. It will be getting dark quite early by then but the weather could be anywhere.

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