
Hi, looking forward to upcoming Canyonlands tour. Question..can you bring a regular suitcase and a carry on? (versus just a small backpack). I would prefer a carry on to have my stuff handy in the mornings versus a small backpack. Thank you!


  • the issue is - it goes with you on the bus - so it must fit overhead/above your bus seat and not take up too much room. Most people have a backpack, totebag, or a SMALL wheeled cabin type bag - I don't see anyone bringing an actual carry on size suitcase onto the buses.

  • Maybe a dumb question, why wouldn’t or couldn’t a carryon be stored in the buses luggage hold !

  • It can be but you don’t have access during the day. Plus, some tour directors have you carry it down to the bus yourself and I think this tour has lodges without elevators. You are in the parks. It’s very very casual

  • We were on this trip a couple of years ago and had a small wheeled carry-on that we stored under the bus. We also had a small "day bag" we carried with us that held anything we thought we might during the day - including a water bottle (important for hikes). It worked well for us.

  • Thank you! Backpack it is!

  • edited September 2024

    RGM2 - your main luggage is under the bus as they pick that up very early in the morning and load it for you while you are at breakfast. The backpack/totebag/etc is your personal item for things you need during the day and things you need that morning after your main suitcase is put on the motor coach. Once they load all the big luggage in the bottom of the coach, they prefer not to open it again for lots of other bags to load, so they ask for people to carry their own personal items down and keep it with them on the bus. Each trip is different and Tauck will always load more bags if needed - but the reason they do it the way they do is so they don't have to load 20-40 more bags after breakfast - we were told this on our last trip.

  • It has been my experience that the driver is very happy to load small carry-ons underneath the bus. Many people bring down their carry-ons when checking out of the hotel. They they collect them on the sidewalk when they reach the next hotel and take them to their rooms. I have done it several times. and I've never been the only one.

  • This is the Canyonlands tour, it’s short and mostly in the National parks. I just don’t think you need so much luggage for that tour. I’ve taken it and the equivalent Bridges tour of Canyonlands.

  • My experience has not been on any US tour.

  • MCD is amazing. She can do a two week trip out of two gym bags 😃

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