
We are booked on the 13th November trip next year and as we are arriving a few days both prior the start of the tour and after, we will be away from home around 20 days. We usually bring clothes for at least 10 days and wondered if anybody who has done the trip has any advice regarding laundry either in the Tauck hotels or close by? We realize that hotels will have a laundry service, but these are usually very expensive. A recent Tauck tour hotel provided a complimentary service which was much appreciated.


  • Sorry, no personal experience of that tour but I have searched for laundry facilities on other trips. I use Google in Chrome to search for the hotel name/address. It will pop up info on the hotel in the upper right corner including a tiny map. I click on that to enlarge it. Then use the "Nearby" button to search for any service or sight you're looking for. It's not 100% but does a pretty good job. Most businesses will have website that you can pull up and check prices, hours, etc. Google will also translate if you want. Sometimes the website will have a translate button - look for a tiny US or British flag or other ways to do it.

    If you want you can also google streetview to check out the route. When you have a google map up select the satellite view icon in the bottom left corner. Then the tiny yellow person icon in the bottom right corner. You'll see a bunch of blue lines that indicate the street views Google has loaded into the system. Click on a spot that looks likely and use the mouse or cursor keys to move around.

  • Tauck does not offer laundry service on this tour, and there is very little time to do your own laundry. As we spent a few nights in some hotels, I brought Tide packets and hand washed some items on our first night in each of the multiple-night hotels. This gave them a day or two to dry before packing to move to the next hotel. We also bit the bullet and paid to have a few things laundered by the hotel about halfway through.

  • We have done this laundry ‘drill’ before. We always use the hotel and/or ship’s laundry. We never spend more than one hundred dollars on laundry on a ten day to two week trip. But, if you spend $200 on laundry on a twenty day trip that costs way more than a thousand a day, but for discussion we will call it $1000 per day,, the laundry comes out to ten dollars a day. 10/1000 = .o1 Your laundry will cost far less than one percent of your trip cost. Sorry … you will not find me doing laundry.

  • Many thanks for the responses. I did find that the hotel in Kanazawa (Hyatt Centric) has a sister hotel next door which has DIY laundry facilities. This would be around 7 days into the trip, so might be an option if we have the energy. Otherwise we will probably follow Sealord's advice and wear the cost.

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