Trip concerns

I have been ok on smaller ships (Regent/Silversea) with my ginger capsules but I am concerned about the Silver Origin and the Zodiac boats. Am I likely to be sick; if so, I don't want to go. Additionally there is a Tauck waiver which talks about snake bites, drowning, hiking over uneven rocks and falling, etc. When I went to Ankor Wat and Mont St Michel, they definitely exaggerated the dangers. Would like to hear from real people who have gone. We will be 70 on the trip and are active but we are not 20. Are the excursions generally early, e.g.8 AM?


  • I’ve been twice to Galápagos with Tauck, but on the smaller Isabella ll. I don’t recall it being rough, we went in March and December. I think Tauck waivers have become more and more encompassing of what could happen to you. I’m sure it’s their lawyers who insist on this. Some islands are more challenging, such as the ones with very jagged sharp lava. Another island has the very steep Prince Philip steps that you have to climb up from the zodiac to the top, another has quite a challenging hike. Some have so many iguanas that you have to be careful where you walk. Maybe Walking poles might be useful for you, just practice using them before you go and be mindful where you place them so you don’t trip up the people behind you.
    Have you tried Seabands for sea sickness? We always found them great for our daughter on ferries across the English Channel. If you take the medications for sea sickness, then you have to avoid alcohol. Ginger is certainly good.
    I can’t recall timings for tours.

  • edited November 2024

    We went on the Silver Origin. I don't remember any rough seas or rocking of the ship. You're generally not in the zodiacs long enough to get any motion sickness.

    There was one excursion that was over small boulders and was tough to walk over. My wife and I were about 10 years older than you when we went there.

    We did the Peru and Galapagos trip. You can see the Galapagos part of our trip at -

    If you want to also see the Peru part, go to -

    We were there during the time of COVID.

    [I never felt that we were in any danger from snake bites, etc. Tauck has to cover all of the possibilities.]

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