Notre Dame on 60 minutes

60 minutes will have a segment on the restored Notre Dame Cathedral, this Sunday (12/1/24). If you miss it, it should be available on the CBS news streaming app and website for some time.

There are already a number of news videos on YouTube. The change to the interior is dramatic. With everything cleaned and new paint and gold leaf, it has probably never looked this good in its long history. Removing the soot from the windows and walls has brightened the interior to a remarkable extent. While the interior is complete, there is still work to be done on the exterior.

Predictably, Parisians are already starting to critique the results. I saw one journalist who was bemoaning the modern glass in some of the windows and the modern furniture for the services. She wanted her medieval cathedral back. I figure in a few years, they'll learn to love the refurbished cathedral, just like the learned to love the Eifel Tower.


  • I wonder if Tauck can get us reservations to visit Notre Dame. We’ll be in Paris in May and you need to get reservations on the ND website no more than 2 days in advance. It would be nice if Tauck can arrange that

  • Yes it would be nice but no they aren't likely to do it. If you have a smart phone or laptop you can do it yourself. If you're staying at a hotel with a concierge they also could help you.

  • Drew_VanOrden1 - I read an article in 'Travel + Leisure' magazine—a very reputable source and one that has showcased Tauck numerous times—that group visits to Notre Dame will begin sometime in 2025. Perhaps Tauck might consider adding this as an excursion someday. It was never an option on my three prior Tauck tours which included Paris.

    Regarding the reservation restrictions, I garnered from the article that those restrictions were temporary. I could be wrong. Regardless, I do hope you get to witness the magnificent restoration.

  • Things change. I’ve been to Notre Dame several times during my last forty-five years of visits to Paris … mostly during work. During my past visits, no prior arrangements were necessary. I basically just walked in and explored to my hearts content including climbing to the top … which I would not do again. The interior was quite dark at that time. I was in Paris recently, but Notre Dame was covered with scaffolding and of course not yet open.

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