Roll Call- POI Trip Date Jan 22-Feb 8 2025 :)

Is anyone joining us on the 1-22-25 POI trip. We are looking forward to the trip and the information here has been fabulous :) I am 53 and the hubby is 56 and we are frequent travelers with Tauck because they just make it so very easy to travel with them :) They handle it all and we are able to just enjoy the journey. Looking forward to learning more here and i appreciate the help from the peeps I have chatted with so far. We will land at 2:05 am on the 19th so we will have some free time to catch up on sleep before the trip begins.

Hoping to find some fellow travelers before we leave :)

Tamara in Texas


  • Try to get to the Spice Route restaurant if you are arriving early. It’s in the imperial hotel which is gorgeous. The hotel will help arrange a taxi who can and will just wait for you while you dine. It was also a nice way to see Delhi at night. About a 15-20 minute drive from the tauck hotel. Need reservations. Was out best meal on the trip!

  • We also had an early arrival and had to book an extra night at the Leela instead of waiting for the next day afternoon checkin. Trip is beyond fabulous. Great sites and hotels.

  • I worked with the concierge at the Leela and we hired a car from the hotel and they set up a guide for us. We spent the extra day before the trip seeing Delhi. I really thought it was worthwhile.

    We worked with the guide so that he didn't take us to places that Tauck would later take us to. Check out the beginning of our blog -

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