
Hello! I'm going on the Aug. 11th trip this year, and was wondering how much free time, if any is in Lauterbrunnen, on the way to Jungfraujoch? It's mentioned in the description, but almost in passing. Just curious. I'd love to see a waterfall or two if time allowed.


  • We did this trip April 2024. There is no free time there. There is a bathroom stop & then you catch the train/cable cars to Jungfraujoch. You will pass some waterfalls along the way on the Motorcoach. We really enjoyed this trip.

  • ehingersoll - It is just a quick stop to catch the train. Off the bus, perhaps a restroom break and on the train to the next stop to take the cogwheel train to Jungfraujoch. That was the sequence when we took this trip. The scenery is spectacular. Enjoy.

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