Fellow travelers on this trip 6/11
Reaching out to any one on this trip.Would like to know what is the best way to get the required visas for Tanzania and Kenya.
Reaching out to any one on this trip.Would like to know what is the best way to get the required visas for Tanzania and Kenya.
On line. The trip is wonderful.
Thanks ;I have read your posts.Looks like Tauck has given a travel document with details needed for online visa application including local contacts etc.Will give it a try .
Just a note for people, traveling 6/11:Was able to get TZ visa the main issues were trying to fit the image size for both the pass port photo and the pass port page.The return ticket was a problem to scan ; however that did not matter .Documents were considered complete once the photo and passport page was uploaded.
Kenya visa site does not have the entry date for our trip not open yet;looks like you can’t start the application till 90 days before.
No you can’t get the Kenya one too early. Tauck tells you in the info. But you can get the Tanzania one early and it does not start until the day you enter.