Independent Tiger Safari?

I realize the POI and "Golden Triangle" tours do not offer an opportunity for a tiger safari. Has anyone arranged a pre or post safari from Delhi or Mumbai? Thanks for any suggestions!


  • A couple of women from my India trip booked a couple of tiger safaris after our trip. They saw many Tigers. I’m sorry I can’t remember the company they used but it’s definitely an option.

  • I didn't think either place was very close to tiger country. So, I did a quick look on Trip Advisor. New Delhi looks closer, but the tours I saw were 3 days with one day of safari and two travel days. If you're still interested, I would contact the concierge at the New Delhi hotel. That's probably the best way to ensure that you have accommodations to your liking and meals that are safe to eat.

    By the way, POI is one of our top two favorite Tauck tours. You should really enjoy it. Happy travels!

  • There are tours with other companies that are purely for big cat viewing in India, Asiatic lions, leopards and tigers, so there is a better chance of seeing something

  • I think the fastest train ride to the big game area is 12 hours long from New Delphi. India is a big country, right?

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