Best time to go to India

We are booked on the Sept. 27, 2013 trip. Does anyone know if ths is a good time to go or should we go in
October? I think the monsoons are over end of Sept. Any thoughts?


  • Another posting had the following site about weather: But generally sounds like the monsoon season is typically over with by the end of September. I think you'll be fine. I'm booked on the Oct. 18, 2013 Spotlight of India tour.
  • September is also fine..Because you are right, monsoons will over at the end of month. It depends on which city are you planing to move. So i would suggest you October.
  • edited February 2014
    The best time to visit Rajasthan would be the period between the months of July to September, when the monsoons moisturize the dry and sandy landscape and make Rajasthan one of the prettiest lands in the world. Jodhpur is a district in the Rajasthan state of India. Jodhpur has a lot of attractive features. The Jodhpur tourist places are ranging from lakes, manmade structures and natural resources. Among the many features includes the Mehrangarh fort, the Jaswan Thada Mausoleum, the Kaylana Lake, the Balsamand Lake, the Masoria hills, and the clock tower. The temples located in the district are another major attractive feature. They have museums for example the Veer Durgadas. Jodhpur has a rich culture. Oasis Town is a religious town of Jodhpur. The town is on the Thar Desert. It is said to be the most religious center in the history of Jodhpur.
  • edited December 2013
    Summers i would suggest.
  • I suggest to visit India in summer season. You can visit the best places like Kashmir,Agra,Delhi,Manali etc.
  • Is this a joke? If you visit India in the summer you will be in temperatures of 120 degrees F. Do Tauck even go to India in summer, I think this is another spammer
  • Hi British,

    No, Tauck does not go to India in the summer; we go during the months of February, March, October, November, and December. (And no, I don't believe swaroopa to be a spammer; they've posted no outside links, nor have they behaved in any way inappropriately.) :)


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