Questions re Christmas Market Tours

For anyone who has been on the Christmas Market tour along the Danube in the past:

If you did the one-night prestay at the Tauck hotel (this year, The Sheraton), at what time did they "deliver" you to the boat? (I called Tauck and they informed me that I couldn't find out until we got to Germany, which is unfortunate, because I am trying to arrange a possible lunch with another couple that day.)

Because of all the trinkets that may possibly be bought along the way, does Tauck offer any help in shipping these items back home?

How were the dinners on MS Treasures?

Thanks for any help you can provide. Looking forward to the sights, sounds, and aromas!


  • Just a guess, but the reservation says "Boarding begins 4:00PM in Nuremberg", so I think that it is a good assumption that you can make a lunch. I'd even bet that they would accomodate an evening transfer. The Tauck tour directors are pretty resourceful.
  • Thank you, Rozz, for taking the time to reply. I did understand that that was the suggested boarding time, but I am was hoping to hear from someone who has been on the trip. I guess that's not to be :(

    In any case, what will be, will be!
  • In the past, I experienced, transfers were delivered throughout the day. If the rooms were not ready you had to wait in the lounge until you could check in. I recall a simple lunch was even served.
    I wouldn't think you would have a problem having lunch with friends, and then just making sure you were on board by 3 pm. Gotta be flexible...........
    I haven't been on Treasure, but on the Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond and the food was very good. Lots of choices and..........the American grill! Plus there is another menu at the sure to try that one night....very nice experience, although a limited menu.........but they have always accomodated special requests. That's what is great about TAUCK!

    Don't forget bundle up clothes.....hat, scarf, gloves and water epellent boots.....may snow!

    See you at the Lido for some hot gluwein and cookies!

  • I called a couple of weeks ago with that question and was told to be down at reception at about 2:15 and we would board the bus and leave for the ship about 3:00 pm. That is what I am planning, anyway.

  • Hello Jan, the original question was three years ago, maybe the times have changed since then and the original poster managed the lunch with ease.

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