August 17, 2014 Budapest to Amsterdam

My husband and I are booked on this sailing. This will be our first river cruise and we are already excited about going. We're expecting this to be a grand adventure and are wondering who else is already planning ahead?!?


  • My wife and I booked the last cabin available for this cruise on the lowest deck. One pre-cruise night in Budapest which will hopefully reset our body clocks for the cruise. Waiting anxiously for window to open to book at least my ticket on ff miles. Looking forward to a Tauck cruise!
  • Hi. My mom and I are booked and ready to experience our first river cruise. From the sounds of it they are selling out pretty fast. We have toured with Tauck before so we are expecting great things!
  • Our trip will soon be here with only 3 months to go!!! Looks like our sailing is sold out.
  • I believe we will be on the same cruise; however, we board in Bucharest on Aug 8. Are you on the Tauck Treasures?
  • SYLVIAD wrote:
    I believe we will be on the same cruise; however, we board in Bucharest on Aug 8. Are you on the Tauck Treasures?

    Yes, we are on the Treasures. We board on August 17 in Budapest heading to Amsterdam. So you and perhaps some others will already be on board. The closer it gets to the date the more excited we become. Look forward to meeting you on August 17.
  • I just learned that low water levels in the Danube has caused Uniworld passengers booked for next week have to swap ships mid-cruise to complete their cruise. Fortunately, it sounds like the two river cruses have up and down itineraries and will allow passengers on a sister ship to have the same cabin assignment on both ships. Very interesting. A comment from Tauck would be appreciated.
  • You could have floods before next week
  • TravelJ wrote:
    I just learned that low water levels in the Danube has caused Uniworld passengers booked for next week have to swap ships mid-cruise to complete their cruise. Fortunately, it sounds like the two river cruses have up and down itineraries and will allow passengers on a sister ship to have the same cabin assignment on both ships. Very interesting. A comment from Tauck would be appreciated.

    Hello TravelJ,

    We are aware that low water levels are impacting some other river cruise lines however, we have not seen the impact of the low waters on any of our river cruises thus far. We are constantly monitoring conditions on our Rivers and will provide updates as necessary. Currently, all of our river journeys are running normally. If low waters were to impact your trip, a Tauck representative will be personally reaching out to you (or your Travel Agent). We are committed to delivering the best travel experience possible, and as always, our guests’ security, safety and enjoyment are our utmost concerns.

    Hope this helps,
  • Thank you Emily, we are looking forward to our river cruise!

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