Classic Italy April 2014

my husband and I are taking this trip April 23rd - May 6th 2014. Any advice from previous travelers of things to do/see that aren't part of the tour. Also, is there anybody going on that trip? When I made our reservation she did say there were others booked.


  • My husband randy and I are going on that same tour. Getting so excited. I am also researching things to do in our free time. Lisa
  • edited March 2014
    My husband and I are booked on this same trip. We can't wait. This is our first trip to Europe.

    Donna and Chuck
  • My wife and I are on the Classic Italy small group trip beginning April 26 thru May 9. Looking for others on the same trip.
  • Looking forward to meeting you Randy & Lisa, and Donna & Chuck. We will be arriving a day early at the Sorrento hotel. Planning on doing Capri Wednesday before the welcome dinner. Let me know if you are going to be there early, and are interested in going also. Mark & Lori

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