Any rough seas while going to new islands in the Galapagos?

I read on Trip Advisor that some folks experienced rough seas while their ship traveled at night from one Galapagos island to another. None of these people were with Tauck. Furthermore, they recommended sea sickness pills and possibly wrist band pressure points.
Has anyone experienced rough seas or seasickness on Tauck's ship that tours the Galapagos?


  • We made this trip in April - wonderful adventure! I don't remember any issues with rough seas - there is a dr. on board should you need it.
  • Ditto the above remarks. We made the trip in March and didn't experience any rough seas.
  • I am prone to sea sickness and so bad sometimes you just wanna to die.....but...that said I have been to Galapagos a few times with no issues. I believe in September when the Humbolt Current flows thruogh the water can get a little choppy. Otherwise I didn't find it an issue.

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