Carry on bag on Train

Empire of the Incas: Peru & Bolivia Forum:

On the Vista Dome Valley Train from Urubamba to Aguas Calientes (gateway to Machu Picchu) we were given a great looking duffel bag and told this was the only bag we could take for the overnight trip. I have a similar sized bag that has little wheels that would be easier to carry (pull) and was wondering if that would be allowed instead of the duffel. I have no problem to conform with the rules if they are fast and firm; but thought I'd just ask if my bag could substitute & if anyone else has taken a different bag. Thanks for your input.


  • My trip is coming up next weekend and I wondered the same thing….where did it net out for you?
  • edited June 2014
    We took the Peru/Galapagos trip but had the same bag situation. Our bags were piled on the train, within sight, and then off-loaded to the bus to be transported to the Sanctuary Lodge. I am not sure about your trip, but from my experience, I got the sense that it is a lot easier for the TD and those helping if all of the bags are the same Tauck issued bags. No one on our trip had a different bag.
  • edited June 2014
    Any duffel bags Tauck issues are meant to be the only bags used for that part of the trip that is described on your itinerary. It's to do with space and shape. Any other big suitcases are stored safely for other parts of the tours. If it was ok for you to use a similar bag, they would not go to the trouble of issuing them to us. You will not be expected to carry these yourself, that's why you travel with Tauck! These are great bags with plenty of room for our 'stuff'
  • I've never had to push/pull any bag on a Tauck trip once I checked in at the airport in my home town, except for my carry-ons. Since these are part-time bags, I can't imagine you'll have to schlep them anywhere.
  • You never touch your bag. Put it outside your room and they deliver it to your next destination. Hard case rollers would hurt everyone. They want the special bag. It is easy for them to handle.


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