Suggestions for free time before start of Tour

We will be arriving a day early (May 9th) for the May 10 - May 23 Best of Ireland Tour and looking for any suggestions on things to see/do while in Ennis, staying at the Old Ground Hotel.


  • edited December 2013
    There isn't a lot to do in Ennis. We walked around the town, looked at some shops, and got a bite to eat. There is a nice little town square where you can people-watch. The hotel is probably the best there, but is not a great one. The good news is you only spend one tour night there. We arrived from Liverpool late so we were tired and slept in a bit. Two nights are plenty.

    The tour is great though, from that point on. Hotels are great, food is wonderful, and, most importantly, the sights and guides do a fantastic job. Enjoy.
  • edited January 2014
    We will be taking this tour someday, but I haven't done much research on Ireland yet, so I had the same question.

    Just to entertain myself until it is time to think about our next trip I do research and a lot of what-if's on my computer. While investigating air fares to Ireland, I discovered by flying Delta, our usual carrier in and out of Atlanta, that it is significantly cheaper, at least when flying business class, to fly to London Heathrow, then take Aer Lingus to Shannon. It was so much cheaper that the difference would pay for a few nights at the Royal Horseguards or equivalent London hotel, sightseeing, the Aer Lingus flight, and more. We took the England, Scotland, Wales trip last summer and didn't get to see as much of London as we would have liked, so if/when we do Ireland, this will give us a chance to see more of London first.

    I just did a quick query on Delta and found flying coach to London (shortest flight duration) then taking Aer Lingus to Shannon is about $370 more than if flying coach direct to Shannon. It all depends on the class, routing, airline, day of the week, etc. but you may be able to find flights that would make it worthwhile to stop in London for a few days before the Ireland tour.

    Just something to think about. It might be a chance for Downton Abbey fans to make a pilgrimage to Highclere Castle. :)
  • I would heartily suggest checking our Fodor's and Frommer's Ireland guide books for suggestions. Here is what we are planning since we arrive 2 days before start of tour.
    1. Bunratty Castle--Dinner 5:30 and 8:30 PM: early to tour Castle (Dinner and Irish Heritage Show--check website for details and video)
    2. Ennis Friary—6 minute walk from Hotel; 10AM-6PM
    3. Knappogue Castle and Walled Gardens—Victorian (Similar to Bunratty but farther away)

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