Essence of South America small group Feb. 11th

Anyone scheduled for this tour, drop us a message. We are arriving a day early, Feb. 10th. Val and Jack


  • I just returned from this trip and had the pleasure of having your tour director as a logistic trainee with us. He has been a Tauck tour director in Europe for years but your trip is his first S.America tour by himself. Tauck insists that he do this tour a few times to learn about making a smooth transition between countries etc.etc. He is charming,bright and just a delight to be with.What a wonderful smile greets you in the morning! All of us wished he was our tour director so get ready for a fun trip with a very wonderful young man leading the helm.
  • Thanks for the positive feedback on our tour director, Ruth! We love hearing that our guests enjoy their tour directors and tours.
    Glad to hear you had a good time on your trip!

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