Sydney Opera House

We are on the March 10 AU-NZ tour. We are thinking about getting tickets for the Opera House. Should we do this ahead of time?


  • We got tickets while we were there but there were not many left, it was South Pacific at the time. Believe there is now a completely free day on this tour in Sydney so I would book it for then, just check out what's on and book in advance in case of disappointment. Without looking at the itinerary just now, please note that if you intend on also doing the bridge walk as well there could be a possibility there is not time to do both. We elected to do the opera instead of a long and cold and expensive bridge walk in August.
  • edited January 2014
    If you feel safe waiting can get them half price day of the tour. Some one our tour got them right behind the orchestra and said they were great. I was afraid of waiting and got tickets way up in front of the orchestra. Those are not good if you can't do lots of stairs. I thought I was never going to get to the top. It was worth it to go. The sound was so good.

    I did mine on the night of the free day and the TD arranged for those of us going about 8 to do the included dinner in Sydney on the day before. Just need to make sure don't over do eating on the foodie tour.
  • JimiMoore wrote:
    We are on the March 10 AU-NZ tour. We are thinking about getting tickets for the Opera House. Should we do this ahead of time?
    Hi there- we are also on that trip- looked over scheduled events at opera house for our free day and think we might wait to see if we can get tickets once there. Also debating bridge climb altho it appears there are some good alternatives to that. Looking forward to the trip.
  • I think we will wait to get tickets till we are there also. Bridge walk does not interest me. Looking forward to meeting you and being on the trip.

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