Airport Transfer in Melbourne

Could you please give me an estimate of the time between landing at the airport and arrival at the hotel in Melbourne? I'm sure it varies but we are trying to book a tour later the day we arrive and wanted some best guess as to the amount of time to allow. Arrival is on Saturday morning in mid February. Thanks.


  • Hi, you should call Tauck directly about this, but also make sure you walk briskly to the immigration area to be first in line. I cannot remember details but think this was the trip we spent about an hour waiting for another couple to appear before the transport took us to the hotel.
    I think you are very ambitious to go on an organized tour straight off a plane because of jet lag. No matter how well you manage to sleep on the plane you will still feel under par. There is plenty to see very near the hotel, so that if you do feel good, you can do those things. I quite often look at fodor's on line or similar travel sites for ideas about local sites, also try the hotel website for ideas and distances from the hotel. If I remember correctly the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is right near the hotel with a viewing platform with glass beneath your feet. It's 109 degrees Faranheit in Melbourne this week according to Aussie expert Jan on the forum. Australia is a great trip
  • Hey, British, you're cramping my style! ;)))))

    I don't mean to put a downer on your prospects of getting from air side to land side at Melbourne International Airport (Tullarmarine) fast, but it really depends what time of day your plane lands. I have made it through, as an Aussie plus being in the so-called express lane, in about ¾ hour process time. If you arrive at peak time you can expect quite a wait for immigration and your luggage. Sadly, Melbourne Airport invests much in maintaining a very profitable car parking facility, rather than improving luggage handling! Peak time is morning from about 6 am to about mid-morning, when most of the long haul flights arrive. Travel time from Tullarmarine to the CBD can take approx. 30-45 minutes, or longer if you are unlucky. Then you will need to consider when your room at The Langham will be available. I don't know if it is an individual property or chain wide policy, but The Langham Boston was very mean about their 3pm arrival policy last July when I was there.

    I can't but echo the previous advice regarding jet lag. Even if you have flown in the very pointy end of the plane, having enjoyed a feather quilt, Bolly and caviar, you will be disorientated. If you're not it will be a definite tell for the Customs chaps! There are lots of low-stress things to see and do within a close stagger of your hotel. Be kind to yourselves. You will be packing a heck of a lot into your very short stay here. You might need to pace yourselves, particularly if the temperature is 36.9C … and it's only 11:08 am, Summer Time, right now.


  • A year ago we arrived in Melbourne around 11:00 a.m. during the Open. Fortunately we are Global Entry approved so moved through Immigration rather rapidly, in 20 mins or less, as compared to at least an hour. Customs was another story, nearly 45 minutes. The shuttle was held for eight guests arriving at nearly the same time. The ride to the Langham was about 45 minutes. The room at the Langham was not ready although we had made early arrival arrangements and paid for the extra early days (UGH!!!). We checked our luggage with the very nice porters. Recommendation - check your luggage with the porters at The Langham and go about your day. The Langham is very nice but the front desk staff can be a bit snarly. You will have a great trip!
  • 11:00 am is a good time to arrive! After the main long haul rush. Agreed, MEL can be very hit & miss. Nothing like Singapore. Now, they are really efficient. 20 minutes from proof of life to taxi one visit! I think it was the nearest gate, but still! As for The Langham, that's interesting. Just like Boston … for both my stays there. It must be the corporate style. I'm staying at the Auckland Langham in March, but not arriving till the afternoon. Luckily.

  • We also arrive on Saturday! Our plans are to get checked in and then goof off for the day, I am sure we will be goofy by then. Fairy penguins on Sunday and the new spirits arena on Monday .
  • Okay. I give up. Where is this stadium you are going for your guided tour? We don't have one called the spirits arena.
  • Jan, it is the new sports arena. I will have to check the name. Where they play football I think. Stay tuned to tomorrow . :)

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