Power converter

Can someone tell me if we will need a converter in Australia and New Zealand? We are traveling from the US.


  • Check the Before you Go section of the info on Australia, 220 to 240 power and definitely different plugs. Most electrical are dual voltage these days. Check you camera, tablet and so on. Hair dryers will be at the hotels. We did take the Australian plug with us but I am sure the hotels will loan you one if not. Have a wonderful rime
  • Most of the hotels had adapters in the rooms. And yes most modern devices only need plug adapters.
  • One caveat on modern devices. Some electric toothbrushes, such as the Rotadent, are 110/120 only. They may work with a voltage converter, but my experience with converters is that they're risky. Better to go with a manual toothbrush while you're there.
  • Hi, Yes you will need a power converter. They have them at REI & Radio Shack, about $30


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