Age appropriate?

We are considering this trip for our family. Our children are older-23 and 19. The activities listed sound fun, but I'm wondering if they are to "young" for our adult children. Out of all the trips to Italy this one is the most interesting to us so I'm hoping they won't feel uncomfortable with the age group. They both like younger children so that won't be a problem, just the activities. Thanks!


  • I have been on many Tauck tours, personally I would not take kids of this age on a Bridges Tour, I just think you would get more out of a regular tour, but check what others think. I've done Rome and Amalfi Coast I think it was and Tiscany and Umbria, which I preferred. I particularly like Florence and Siena and Pompeii and Capri, well all over really but not too fond of Rome!

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