May 19 Classic Italy Tour

My husband, Bill, and I will be taking the May 19th Classic Italy Tour and would like to correspond with others on this trip. We will be flying from Philadelphia on Sunday, May 18. I look forward to hearing from you!!!


  • Hi my wife Pauline and I will be joining this trip. We are from Melbourne, Australia. This is both our first trip with Tauck and to Italy, and we are very much looking forward to both the travel and meeting our fellow travellers. Tony
  • Hi Folks! My husband Harvey and I will also be on the May 19th Classic Italy Tour. We are from New York (Long Island). This is our first Tauck trip as well, but I understand that we are in very good hands. I look forward to meeting you and sharing an amazing experience. Helen
    P.S. Sports bring or not to bring???????
  • Hi Helen
    I'm not intending to bring a sports jacket it takes up too much room. So if Harvey doesn't there will be at least two of us without jackets. Look forward to meeting you both. Tony
  • Hello folks,
    There will now be three men without suit coats - Bill will not be bringing his! We are getting so excited about this trip as the date is approaching. This is also our first Tauck tour as well as our first time to Italy. Anxious to meet all of you! Kathy
  • That's great Kathy, it looks like coats are out. Pauline and I are excited too, the time is approaching so quickly we can't wait. Looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone too. We think meeting people is one of the highlights of travelling so are really looking forward to this aspect of our tour as well. It will be that much better doing things as a group. Best wishes Tony
  • Since we are not arriving a day early in Sorrento, we are wondering if there would be enough time while there to get in a side trip to Capri. Thanks, Kathy and Bill
  • Jaytmel: Just before you leave, check the hydrofoil/ferry times from Sorrento to Capri and reverse (; confirm the times when you get to the hotel as these times change occasionally. You can leave Sorrento at a decent time (8:30 or 9:00) and return mid to late afternoon. Pay extra and use the hydrofoil (NOT the ferry); the former is much quicker and gives you more flexibility in timing. You can do this if you have a full day, or even the day you meet the group (assume that is 6 pm) if you get back to the hotel by 4 - 5 pm. IMO, Capri is not to be missed.
  • Yes plenty of time to go to Capri. You pick up jetboat right behind hotel. Can take the tour around island to do the Blue Grotto (window across from ferry dock) and go to the top on vinchular to the right (get tickets before you get in line across from line) When you get to the top head right to find a place to eat with view of water if you want. From there I did not know what to do and walked way too much until I gave up on reaching the end to see something. I have read there are things to do, but did not find them. Went back to hotel and took a relaxing dip in the pool before the welcome dinner.

    Do not go by the ferry. You are very limited on return time. The jetboat has many all day.
  • We also are excited re: our first Tauck tour and first visit to members of the May 19 departure group.
    We are 2 married couples, ages 62-66, close/old friends from college days (UNC), natives of North Carolina, who frequently travel together and enjoy meeting new folks.
    Had planned to take a sport jacket for some evenings....but may join the others who have posted...."no sport coat" preference...a jacket does take up precious packing space and would prefer not to take one. Will monitor the forum for other follow-up posts before final decision.
    We arrive on Sunday 18th, and plan a tour of Capri for Monday, 19th before meeting others at the 6 PM kick-off.
    ...."Ciao"...Randy and Joyce Teague / Pat and Everette Grayson
  • We are also looking forward to touring Italy with Tauck. We are from Long Island, NY and are arriving in Sorrento on Sunday, May 18. We hope to be able to go to Capri on Monday, May 19, to see the Blue Grotto. Is anyone else interested in doing this? Looking forward to meeting everyone. Joan & Ken Grube

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