Best of the Canadian Rockies- June, 2014

We are booked on the Best of the Canadian Rockies tour that begins on June 27, 2014.
We are arriving in Calgary two days early and are looking forward to doing some touring on our own, as the Tauck trip does not include a tour of Calgary. Any suggestions as to what we should see or do while in Calgary?


  • Hi Sue,

    The Glenblow Museum is wonderful. It's right in the middle of the city, very close to Calgary Tower. It's well worth a morning or afternoon. I found a great little, locally made, leather purse in the gift shop! Who doesn't love a museum shop!
    I have also heard good reports about the Calgary Zoo. It's a little bit out of the city … certainly not doable as part of a city stroll!


  • Hi Jan- really are the traveler!! As you can tell we have two Tauck trips booked….The Best of the Canadian Rockies and and the Grand Australia/NZ trip. I see you are making entries into both of these forums. Thanks for all your advice.
  • Hi Sue,

    My bucket list started with my first geography lesson in primary school. Then fed by a (almost) lifetime sub to National Geographic … well, not being a traveller wasn't a possibility! Canada is one of my most favourite countries. You will find, if you are lucky, that Canadian humour is a very good warmup for Aussie humour. You will need to tune your funny bone before you get here!



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