Photo Slideshow - January 22, 2014 Tour

Yellowstone in Winter was an extraordinary experience, and I highly recommend it to others.

The following link will take you to a Picasa slideshow with my photos of the tour:




  • A great slide show, beautiful pictures, just as I remember it from my trip in February 2012. I got there a day early in order to mush a 14 dogsled team all day in the Absaroka Mtns. I skipped the snowshoe trekking at the end of the tour in Jackson Hole in order to join 7 others on a 100 mile all day snowmobile tour throughout Yellowstone. I have never repeated a Tauck tour (I've been on 16 or 17 so far), but if I ever do, it would be the "Wonderland: Winter in Yellowstone" tour. :-)
  • Thanks, Tomh, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. It was a great trip, my first visit to Yellowstone.

  • Thank you Sergio for sharing your photos. You got some great shots!

  • Thanks, Kristen!

  • The pics are fantastic. How cold was it?
  • Thanks so much for posting this link, Sergio. What great shots. I can't believe how different it is in winter. I was there in early August … if I hadn't seen the very same landscapes before, I doubt I would recognise them. Just stunning!


  • I have been to Yellowstone in non-winter months too and it is nice all year round. However, that said, it truly is an amazing experience to see it in wintertime covered in snow with the geo-thermals clearly visible in the brisk air. One just has to dress in layers (with a good hat, boots, and gloves) to really appreciate what it has to offer. It is truly hard to believe that this amazing scenery is available right here in the U.S. Like Sergio, I too would strongly encourage anyone who has not done so to go on Tauck's "Wonderland: Yellowstone in Winter" tour. Lifetime memories.
  • crackers54 wrote:
    The pics are fantastic. How cold was it?
    You know, I was concerned about how cold it might get... I live in Miami, Florida, and although I've lived in NYC and Boston, I didn't know if I could withstand sub-zero (Farenheit) temperatures. Fortunately, we had perfect weather except for a snowstorm during the last couple of days.

    The weather was cold all week, but nothing intolerable (zero to teens at worst). The snowstorm at the end was like "icing on the cake" (pun intended), because it added to our snowshoeing experience and the dog sledding excursion I booked in Jackson Hole.

    All in all, it was a fantastic experience. I had never been to Yellowstone, and would look forward to seeing it during the summer to experience the contrast.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the photos, Crackers54 and Jdurkin (Jan)!

  • I guess Thermal underwear is a must. I hope to fit this in in a few years. Have so many to get thru and a winter expensive vacation is hard to save for in with previous year in Spring, Summer, or Fall. When I did Australia/New Zealand in Nov. the previous year was a much cheaper vaca than I am used to taking.
  • crackers54, thermal underwear worked great for me, when I took the tour in February 2012. During my week, there were off and on snow storms occurring, which made it a bit cooler (0 to o/a 15 degrees below each day). When on that all day 100 mile snowmobile excursion throughout Yellowstone at the end of the tour (on my own), even with the cold/blowing snow, etc., the thermal underwear kept me very warm and comfortable the entire day. :-)
  • Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures. I am on the tour leaving February 21st. After seeing your pictures I am even more excited about going. I am also going dog sledding, how did you like dog sledding?
  • Dallas wrote:
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures. I am on the tour leaving February 21st. After seeing your pictures I am even more excited about going. I am also going dog sledding, how did you like dog sledding?
    I loved it, and sledding through the mountains and pine forests was an incredible adventure. I just rode on the sled itself, but you will have the opportunity to actually lead the dogs... I preferred to stay comfortable and take photos.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  • Here is a link to my travel blog on this trip:

    Enjoy, Nick
  • Sergio, your pictures are fantastic! We are booked for this trip next January 2015 and we can't wait to see what you saw and take many of the same pictures. Loved the antler arch and all your wildlife pix.

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