Use of Local Currency

We are travelling March 10-25th on Tauck Essence of South America trip to Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Would you recommend we obtain local currency in the US before we leave NY?

The Coach


  • I went on this trip a couple of years ago. If staying at the same hotel (Ritz Carlton), there are a couple of ATMs close to the hotel in Santiago - one in a very small police station on the plaza right outside hotel and one just around the side of the hotel. The difficulty may be in reading the Spanish instructions on the machine but the concierge can describe what to do. I don't remember if the hotel offered exchange. American dollars are welcome in a lot of places on the tour but not smaller towns/markets.

    Have a great trip.
  • We just came back from ES trip on Feb 18th. Previous reply was right no difficulties beside if you have non exchange fee charging credit card you will not need much cash all we used throughout the trip was less then US $400 in cash.
    We had lots of fun on this trip. Enjoy

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