Scandinavia tour starting June 15th



  • So we will have three different currencies on our trip. How much cash do you think you'll get? I am assuming it's not as confusing as I'm making it.
  • edited May 2014
    I gat 100 for each of Denmark and Sweden and 200 for Norway. It will give me a start in all 3. You can get currency thru AAA IF you are a member.
  • We did not use much cash on this trip. We always start out with a small amount of the local currency before we leave home. I believe we had Swedish currency and Danish currency left over so we combined the two to tip the bus driver we had for those countries.
  • NanceW wrote:
    Not a big fan of Smorgasbord, but always can find something I like. My husband will pretty much eat anything. I'm a big fish lover. My name is Nancy and my husband is Jan. This will only be our 2nd Tauck trip but loved the trip we took 2 years ago to Ireland. Have you ever done any of their river cruises? Meeting by the concierge is fine.

    I have found 2 possible places to eat. One seems close to hotel great for people watching. The other is on the other side of city hall on the water. City hall tower is something I would really like to do for the view. I will ask at the consierge which is best.

    See you soon.
  • Only 3 weeks till I leave. Looking for others on this trip.
  • 2 weeks from today. Would love to here from others on this trip or any ideas on stuff to do on this trip.
  • edited June 2014
    Trying to figure out packing. This week most of the cities I am tracking in 70's and 80's. I might rethink some of my choices on pants (take one pair jeans for adding a pair of shorts). Getting excited. One week from today I leave.
  • In Stockholm now. Sunny. Jeans, sandals, and a tee and quite comfy. Warmer, I think, tomorrow. Shorts are not a bad idea.
  • Day I arrive they are saying high 59. Hope it changes.
  • BTW, did under the bridges tour. Our guide didn't think it would be a rerun. Pretty cool. Came a day early.
  • Lin, our flight is delayed four hours and that will screw up our connecting flight to Stockholm. We have no idea what time we will get to the hotel, but will still try and meet you if we are there by 5:30. What a way to start a trip.
  • I figured as much. Waited till 5:45 just to make sure. See you tomorrow. I am doing a 2PM under the bridges tour. Taking it easy in the morning.

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