Argentina reciprocity fee

Just went on line to get our Argentina reciprocity fee receipt. The entire process is easy and fast. They ask for your passport number, date of birth, and an email address. We received an almost instant acknowledgement of our application, saying we would receive the reciprocity fee in 24 hours. However, not more than three or four minutes went by and we received an email with the reciprocity fee. Do not be concerned if you see the payment is an American Express Card with a number unfamiliar to you. My husband inquired and they told us it was the card they use to process. Cost is $160 per person plus a $20 processing fee per person.


  • edited April 2014
    Just another point…..

    The cost of the fee varies depending on the nationality of the applicant.



    PS: Interesting tip about the Amex card. If in doubt, you can always check with Amex via phone or by checking your own account online to verify what amount (in US$ and foreign currency) has been charged to your account. You can see/hear the details as soon as the amount has hit your account, which is much faster than waiting for the bill. And possibly more comforting! I'm sure the same would be true for any CC provider.
  • No need to pay a processing fee on the official site
  • My husband just completed Argentina paperwork using this site: $160, no other fees:

    Under "Log In", hit sign up, complete the page that pops up, pay and you're done.

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