Classic Italy Small Group May 18, 2014

We are on the Small Group Classic Italy tour starting May 18, 2014, flying out of
Seattle, WA. Anyone on this tour want to connect??
Diane & Bill


  • Bill and Diane, We are on the same tour coming in from Orlando on the 16th. Judy and George
  • Hi, Don and I get in on the 16th also. We are from Savannah, Ga. We thought we were coming in to rest and acclimate before the tour starts. BUT we have hired a driver to take us the 17th about 9:30a.m. to see Herculaneum and the Archeological Museum and grab an authentic pizza from Naples. Anyone want to join us?
    Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • edited April 2014
    Thank you, Caroline, sounds like fun. Unfortunately we do not arrive in Naples until around noon on the 17th. Enjoy your pizza (and wine)!! Looking forward to meeting you, Don, Judy and George.

    Diane and Bill
    Kennewick, WA
  • Judy & George, Don & Carolyn,
    Have any of you been on a TAUCK tour before? This is only our second. We went to S.Africa, Botswana, & Zambia with TAUCK last
    May 2013. It was the BEST trip we've ever been on. Have traveled with OAT twice before, one a great trip & one just fair. We really got
    tired of all the expected tipping for all drivers, city tours, etc.
    Looking forward to this new adventure!! Only 4 weeks to go!!
    Diane & Bill
  • Carolyn and Don,
    Thanks for the invitation to go to Herculaneum. We are planning to spend that day on Capri if the weather is right for it. 'Look forward to meeting you, Diane and Bill.
    Judy and George
  • Only 2 more weeks to go!!
    Is everyone packing??!!
  • My husband, Buddy and myself (Bobby) are looking forward to this adventure. We leave from Jackson, MS, going through Atlanta. This is our first Tauck tour but have been told they are the "best"!
  • Started the Classic Italy Tauck tour on 6 July 14. Awesome reception dinner with tour guide Florence. Beautiful start in Sorrento with wonderful drive along the Amalfi Coast. Arrived in Rome yesterday, and told that the food service employees at the Hotel D'Inghilterra were On Strike. Thus, no restaurant or bar service for the three-night stay. Breakfast this morning was some pastry and lukewarm coffee. Florence mitigated the major inconvenience by refunding 10 Euro per traveler. Morning tour of Colosseum went well with outstanding local guide. Hoping for a more tasty and nutritious breakfast tomorrow, but uncertain as to how that happens.
  • Lens77 wrote:
    Started the Classic Italy Tauck tour on 6 July 14. Awesome reception dinner with tour guide Florence. Beautiful start in Sorrento with wonderful drive along the Amalfi Coast. Arrived in Rome yesterday, and told that the food service employees at the Hotel D'Inghilterra were On Strike. Thus, no restaurant or bar service for the three-night stay. Breakfast this morning was some pastry and lukewarm coffee. Florence mitigated the major inconvenience by refunding 10 Euro per traveler. Morning tour of Colosseum went well with outstanding local guide. Hoping for a more tasty and nutritious breakfast tomorrow, but uncertain as to how that happens.

    Lens77- thanks for giving us a play-by-play! Please continue- this trip is on my bucket list. Sorry about your restaurant service, just another one of those unforeseen problems Tauck guides handle so well. I've heard over the years that strikes, small and large, are a way of life in Italy.

    Also, could you confirm you are on the "Small Group" tour and tell use what size bus they are using? Either you or I can provide an answer to kcfromkc's question on the Classic Italy Small Group Forum. Thanks!
  • Thanks Alan ! Can't wait to hear the continued saga. 10 EUROS ????? They can do better than that !

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