Classic Italy- Pisa?

Do the Classic Italy/Classic Italy, Small Group tours make a quick stop or a drive-by at the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Just found my answer in forum archives- tours don't stop there. I know it is kinda touristy but, it is iconic and Pisa appears to be directly on the tour route between San Gimignano and Viareggio. It would be a shame to miss since it is so close to the tour route. I guess some go from Florence on a free afternoon,


  • Went on the tour last May, and loved it! No, the tour doesn't stop there, and I agree with you, it should do so because the Leaning Tower of Pisa is an Italian icon that shouldn't be missed! We drove by and could see it in the distance. We considered going there from Florence but when we realized it would take so much of our free time in Florence, we decided against it. We loved Florence and just wanted to spend our time there. There always has to be choices... You will really enjoy this tour! This was our first Tauck tour, and we have already booked two more!!
  • Don't miss going to Pisa; it's so well worth it. Last year my husband and I were on the last one week trip to Rome/Umbria/Florence during October (Tauck has since retired this trip). We went on our own having booked a Viator trip to Pisa before we left NY. It departed from Florence, so check it out if you have time. The Pisa climb was awesome, and we both loved the Baptistery there. The whole square was so picturesque. The only negative thing is that they don't give you enough time to see everything in Pisa. Alternatively, you can rent a car I guess. Don't miss the sight because it's quintessentially what one thinks of when you consider Italy.
  • SUSAN wrote:
    Don't miss the sight because it's quintessentially what one thinks of when you consider Italy.

    Thanks, Susan! That is exactly what I was thinking, though you said it better.

    Now to decide when to go- I voted for this Fall (still a few spots open), but we may have to wait for another opportunity- maybe next Fall since we are off to Africa next Spring.
  • Hi Alan!

    Mid-October was a great time. It was about 70 degrees, no humidity, sunny days except for the one afternoon in Perugia when there was a light rain. It was heaven.

    Also, I forgot to add that Pisa was so breathtakingly beautiful with the white buildings. Walt Disney couldn't have done a more perfect job if he replicated it.
  • edited December 2014
    Years ago they include a stop in Pisa--you can see it from the road as you go by Pisa and I did get a pretty good pic of it. Can't really say would have changed anything on the trip to include Pisa. It sounds very touristy.
  • edited April 2014
    SUSAN wrote:
    Also, I forgot to add that Pisa was so breathtakingly beautiful with the white buildings. Walt Disney couldn't have done a more perfect job if he replicated it.

    Okay, this in one of those times when American humour doesn't align with the rest of the world. I really had to work this through before I realised you were joking!! Just another example of what a big wide world we all live in, huh? :)


  • This reply might be a little late. But when I went on the Classic Italy tour, on the morning that we visited the Uffizi Museum in Florence, we had the entire day free after the museum. I organized a side tour to Pisa with a 3rd party tour group. It was wonderful. I do understand why it was taken out of the tour, but it was wonderful to see the tower up close as well as climbing to the top of the tower.
  • We did the Classic Italy tour back in 2005, which I believe was the last year it stopped at the leaning tower. The tower is interesting, but surrounded by some of the tackiest tourist stalls you'll ever see. Parking for the tour bus was a bit difficult. We were there for about 20 minutes. The line to go up in the tower was over two hours long, so there was no way to do that. Most people felt they'd rather have more time in San Gimignano or get to Viareggio sooner and enjoy the beach. I think those sorts of comments were why it was dropped from the tour.
  • You should visit the famous Pisa ... there are lots of bed and breakfast accommodation that are affordable and very relaxing like Bhappy Resort where my family stayed for 3 days and 2 nights.

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