Week in Ireland

we are leaving May 23rd for the week in Ireland tour beginning May 25th. Can't wait this will be our fourth Tauck trip. I hope it will be as good as the rest. It is a full trip would love to hear from other travelers. HelenandSteve


  • We leave for the same tour June 22! This is our first Tauck Tour.
    I hope you have a great time and I would appreciate any tips upon your return.
    Be safe!
  • We leave tomorrow for the week in Ireland. This is my second Tauck tour and excited about seeing Ireland with such a great group. I would usually go casual, but do the dinners and hotels suggest more dress pants and shirts over dark jeans and jackets?
  • The dressiest night is the welcome dinner at Dromoland castle. I wouldn't wear jeans on that night. But certainly be comfortable.
  • Wondering about dress for the week in Ireland. I read that the first reception dinner is the most formal, but what about the other dinners...day time dress, too?
  • I was on the tour last month. Dress for the Domoland dinner and the Farewell dinner were the fanciest. Just re-looked at our pictures. About half the men had a jacket. Almost every man had on dress pants of some type and a dress shirt (long sleeve button up). Women either in a dress or nice top with dress slacks or skirt.

    During the day most folks were in jeans and either a t-shirt or polo shirt. If it was warm enough shorts work. Sneakers were plentiful. Have a great time!!! We did.
  • Great suggestions everyone! If ever in doubt, you can always check out the "Before you go" section on the tour page from our website. There is a "What to Pack" section that will mention different types of clothes to bring with you.
    Hope you all enjoy your Week in Ireland!

  • Bluejay wrote:
    We leave for the same tour June 22! This is our first Tauck Tour.
    I hope you have a great time and I would appreciate any tips upon your return.
    Be safe!

    Hi Bluejay! We are on the same tour that week! You will love Tauck. Our first Tauck tour was The Best of Ireland and that was fabulous!! Looking forward to meeting you!
  • This was 4 years ago!

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