Weather in the Alps- 12 June

Time is running out, there are only 27 days until 12 June (25 until our flight out)! I sure hope it warms up some by then!

It was only 7:30 AM when these temps were sampled and I realize that the Zugspitze is a high mountain and likely cold and windy much of the time, but the temps at other places are a bit too chilly for my liking, especially since we've had temps in the 80's here in NC. Actually the forecasts show temps warming in the next two weeks, but they also show a lot of rain in Munich and other cities along our route. Still I can't wait!



  • I had to look that up. Brr, that is a bit nippy, Alan. Should be warmer when the sun comes out. Here's hoping….


  • edited June 2014
    Holy Heat Batman! Things have certainly changed since the last time I posted a screen capture of the travel corner of my computer desktop! (Temps as of 3:45 PM Munich time)

    They appear to be experiencing a mini-heat wave in the Alps. Unfortunately there appears to be a lot of accompanying rain and thunderstorms, too. Temps are expected to retreat into the 60's and 70's in the coming days.


    As you can see by the countdown timer, we head out tomorrow so it is time to get serious about packing!
  • The tour ends tomorrow and I am happy to report the weather much better than forecasted. It was sunny and warm in Munich, and Seefeld. We had rain in Oberamergau, but that didn't affect our activities touring the Passion Play theater. It was great at Eagle's nest. The biggest disappointment was that we were in the clouds at the top of Zugspitze and it was cloudy the first day in Davos.

    Again, like with many tours- layering is the order of the day. I never needed more than my light vest or light-weight stowable rain jacket, even on the Zugspitzed. Lightweight pants with zip-off lower legs worked out great and I used that feature quite a few times.

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