Things to do in Calgary?

Thanks to the "Gift of Time", we have a free Friday afternoon in Calgary. Any suggestions? Not finding much on the travel websites.


  • If I remember I went to a museum a nice indor place that had beautiful flowers and did the Calgary tower.
  • Calgary has a very nice zoo and can be reached by street car / subway......I don't know what they call it in Calgary but it got us there quickly and efficiently.....Loved the Canadian Rockies.
  • edited August 2014
    Well, we didn't find much to do. A very pleasant city, but short on tourist sights. The tower is expensive and not that tall (not even the tallest building in town) - we skipped it. Devonian gardens, the indoor botanical garden on the top floor of a shopping mall is no big deal (but free).

    Best bets: Walk along the Bow River (go north from the Westin Hotel till you find the river). A pleasant pedestrian walk and nice park on Prince's Island. South from the hotel, Stephen Ave. is a pedestrianized street (actually a section of 8th Ave SW). Lots of bars, restaurants and stores.

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