2 Texas gals frettin' about what to pack

We are heading out on May 30 for this tour. So excited! The weather looks to be all over the map! Any suggestions on how to pack for this trip?


  • I am right with you. I leave for Scandinavia tour in less than 3 weeks. Trying to figure what I will need is always hard. Especially, when you have no idea what the weather will be like and will the weather change while tou are there.

    Just plan on layers just in case.
  • Plus a pair of warmish socks and something you can wrap around your neck. If your feet and neck are warm, the rest of you thinks it is.


  • Check the 10 day forecast on weather.com just before you leave. That should help. However, weather in the mountains can always change quickly. Pack a warm layer (sweater or jacket) and rain jacket. Good luck.
  • Just don't forget that 10-gallon hat and a pair of chaps, girls!!! Maybe some earmuffs to put under it though.
  • Hi everybody,

    Here's the packing information found on the trip itinerary page for the Best of the Canadian Rockies:
    Your journey is designed with leisure in mind. Dress for comfort and convenience with a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering. Generally, during the day, casual, comfortable, cotton clothing is recommended. Cool weather at higher elevations or at night will require warmer, layered clothing. For the welcome and farewell receptions, casual resort wear is appropriate; formal wear is never required.

    Valet laundry and dry cleaning services are also available for a fee at all the hotels on this itinerary.

    We recommend that you pack an adequate supply of your prescription medication in its original container to last through your entire journey, together with a copy of your doctor’s prescription (or a letter from your health-care provider on office stationery explaining that the medication has been prescribed for you), a list of the generic names of your medication, your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on bag to avoid any inconvenience in the event that your flight or luggage is delayed.

    Following is a list of recommended items to pack for your trip to the Canadian Rockies:
    Casual daytime wear – shorts, slacks, long and short-sleeved shirts
    An optional jacket and tie for men
    Casually elegant evening wear for ladies (optional)
    Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat
    Gym wear
    A light sweater or jacket for higher elevations or a breezy night
    Binoculars (7x50 preferably)
    Insect repellent
    Camera, lenses, batteries, memory cards and/or plenty of film
    Lightweight, comfortable, sturdy walking shoes that have already been broken-in
    Battery-operated travel alarm clock
    Rain poncho and collapsible umbrella
    Zipper-lock bags
    Daypack for camera equipment
    Sundries and toiletries that may be difficult to find en route
    Copies of your travel documents that should be secured in the safe in your hotel room while traveling

    I hope this helps!


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