Italia Bella JULY 8

Would love to know an age range of kids going on this trip. Our son is 14- really looking forward to the trip- just booked!! Also, any information on cell-phone use in Europe would be greatly appreciated.


  • We are taking our 14 and 16 year old granddaughters. I hope there are a number of teens.
  • Cell phones. We were just in England and Spain. We arranged with our AT and T to have a month of international phone and data and texting, it cost us $30, we have Iphone 6. A free alternative is FaceTime or email using the free wifi from Tauck. Please remember the time difference of making calls to the U.S. 6 hours to East coast and 9 hours to West coast and also that Tauck does not allow use of cell phones on buses or really any time that the groups are together, just easier to email because of time differences to the U.S. This is a good thing in my opinion.
  • edited June 2015
    I am bringing my eleven year old grandson on Italia Bella: Rome to Venice.
    He has a fourteen year old cousin and they get along very well.
    Are you arriving a day early?

    Is anyone arriving a day early to Rome==July 8th instead of the 9th?
    Would like to meet up with someone.
  • Hi smith48 and mom-mom,

    I'd be happy to let you know how many teens are on your tour if you just let me know what your departure date is. It looks like this forum was started in 2014, and this year we don't have a July 8th departure.

  • Hi, Official trip July 10th - 17th. We happen to be coming in on the 8th and not leaving until the 18th. Thank you. Appreciate knowing if there will be any teens, 14-16. Girls?? Thanks again
  • Thank you smith48! There are a total of 18 children (11 girls, 7 boys) on your tour, ranging in age from 10-18. Five of the girls are either 14 or 15. I hope you and your granddaughters have a great time!

  • We are also traveling on the July 10th tour.
    Our daughter is 18 and our son is 15. Looking forward to making new friends !!
  • We are bringing our 14 year old son and our daughter will celebrate her 17th birthday on the trip!

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