Number of Travelers in Group

Does anyone know the number of people that will be in the October 6th trip?


  • you will only know that one just before the trip. Never felt I was in a big group with Tauck because they usually divide groups up for the trips to popular sites. Think maximum for a trpi to Australia NZ is about 44, or call Tauck to find out their max
  • Hi KRA,

    As of this posting, there are currently 40 people scheduled for this trip. British is correct in saying, "you will only know just before the trip". The number of passengers can change as the departure date approaches.

    Hope this helps,
  • This particular trip even if it shows full is not always. Some people take one to the other but not both. On my trip one was 29 and the other 28. Tauck considered it full and did reservation stops taking bookings. Way too early to start asking how many. Enjoy was a great trip.

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