Grand Alaska 2015

Will be nice to get feedback from this years Grand Alaska travellers. This is my first time with Tauck and to Alaska. Interested in how people pack for such distinctly different parts of the vacation and how luggage is moved about. If your are going Aug 2015 let me know


  • On a Tauck vacation, once you give your luggage to Tauck at the airport on arrival, you never have to worry about moving it again, it's all done for you, until you get back to the airport for the journey home. Welcome to the Tauck bubble!
  • Hi Soupmom,

    British is quite right, as far as how luggage is moved around. As far as packing goes, I've taken the following information from the "Packing Tips" section of the Grand Alaska tour itinerary page:
    The weather in Alaska is unpredictable. You will be visiting the warmer, dryer area of the interior and the cooler, wetter rainforest of the southeast coast. We suggest you pack clothing that can be layered for various weather conditions. Slacks, a sweater or fleece, a lightweight jacket and a rain coat are versatile clothes for touring, and comfortable "walking shoes" are a must!

    We suggest that you dress for a cruise on the Princess ship the same way you would for any stylish land-based resort. Casual sportswear, including shorts, lightweight pants and jogging suits, is the order of the day. We recommend you bring a sweater, a jacket or an all-weather coat for cool evenings, and for shore excursions. Due to unpredictable weather, don't forget a hat or visor and a collapsible umbrella. You'll also want low-heeled, rubber-soled shoes for strolling on deck, as well as comfortable walking shoes or sandals to wear while on shore excursions.

    There are two designations of evening wear aboard Princess: Smart Casual and Formal.
    Smart Casual Evenings:
    Passengers dress as they would for a fine restaurant at home
    Skirts/dresses, slacks, and sweaters for ladies
    Pants and open-neck shirts for men
    Formal Evenings: (two)
    Evening gowns and cocktail dresses for ladies
    Tie and jacket, or suits for men
    In the dining room, items such as cutoff tee-shirts, shorts, halter tops, and jeans are not permitted and shoes must be worn at all times. Princess cruises require passengers to use cover-ups over bathing suits when entering the ship's public rooms.

    Laundry and dry-cleaning services are available on board the Princess. Valet laundry is available at all hotels on this tour except for the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge where you will find coin-operated facilities. Hair dryers are not available at the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge.

    We recommend that you pack an adequate supply of your prescription medication in its original container to last through your entire journey, together with a copy of your doctor’s prescription or a letter from your health-care provider on office stationery explaining that the medication has been prescribed for you, a list of the generic names of your medication, your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on bag to avoid any inconvenience in the event that your flight or luggage is delayed. No medications are sold on board the cruise ship other than those prescribed and stocked by the ship’s physician.

    I hope this helps!


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