French Escapade - Southbound - Paris to Monte-Carolo

Anyone going on this July 10, 2014? We are starting a day early in Paris just to be safe with any airline issues. So far only have one issue - suggestion regarding sport coats and ties? Not going to happen with me. don't travel with sport coats and ties and haven't worn one in over 15 years. Hope the Captain let's me slide for his two diners?


  • Oh no, not another sport coat and tie discussion!
  • You know, if you are a sports coat guy you will wear one. If not, you won’t. You won’t be out of place either way. You are on vacation!
  • Just got of this trip 3 weeks and a lot of us did not wear sport coats and we were all treated the same. No one cared, its your vacation and YOU paid.
  • edited June 2014
    I'm with you mate. We're off on this same journey starting in Paris on 25th August and I too haven't owned a coat or tie in over 25 years. I even had to hire a suit for my son's wedding. Living in the tropics can do that to you. I had no problem when we cruised Amsterdam to Budapest in September 2011 and that included the Dinner and Concert in Vienna. I totally agree with cantraveller - it's my holiday and I paid for it.
  • It will be too hot in Paris in August for jackets and the locals will be on mass vacation in August. Not in Paris, no one to offend.
  • OzJohnno wrote:
    I'm with you mate. We're off on this same journey starting in Paris on 25th August and I too haven't owned a coat or tie in over 25 years. I even had to hire a suit for my son's wedding. Living in the tropics can do that to you. I had no problem when we cruised Amsterdam to Budapest in September 2011 and that included the Dinner and Concert in Vienna. I totally agree with cantraveller - it's my holiday and I paid for it.

    Hi OzJohno. Sounds like you live in the tropics of Oz. I'm in Mossman and like you don't own a suit or jacket. Thanks for the tip and I will probably catch up as I am on the same trip. Regards.
  • edited June 2014
    Hey, Rod. You've got a mate! Woo hoo! Now all I need to do is … I'm too frightened to think!

    Hope you both have a wonderful time.


  • Two pairs of Aussies on the same cruise and both without Coats and ties. I can't wait for buzz at dinner ... lol ...

    If you like gerygone we could exchange emails and plan for our first shout onboard. If you want to you can contact me at and yes I live in beautiful Mackay.

  • edited April 2015
    You could always just draw a sports coat and tie on a white T-shirt. That will fool everyone!
    I went to the Monaco Grand Prix and everyone was so relaxed about what to wear. That is, until I went to a cocktail party on a yacht one evening and the look of the fellow guest burnt shame across my face. Devastating!!

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