Danube Water Level Issue

On a major cruise blog, I notice that Viking, Uniworld and others have had to bus passengers between their cruise ships on the Danube in low water areas. The ships in upstream and downstream itineraries continue in reverse in their journey around the river areas affected. Passengers are able to maintain their same cabin or suite on the continuation ship.
Nothing noted so far on this forum.


  • If you want to find out the latest, call Tauck, the moderator cannot always respond each day
  • TravelJ wrote:
    On a major cruise blog, I notice that Viking, Uniworld and others have had to bus passengers between their cruise ships on the Danube in low water areas. The ships in upstream and downstream itineraries continue in reverse in their journey around the river areas affected. Passengers are able to maintain their same cabin or suite on the continuation ship.
    Nothing noted so far on this forum.

    Hi TravelJ,

    I responded to another one of your postings and thought I'd respond here as well.

    We constantly monitoring conditions on our Rivers and will provide updates as necessary. Currently, all of our river journeys are running normally. If low waters were to impact your trip, a Tauck representative will be personally reaching out to you (or your Travel Agent). We are committed to delivering the best travel experience possible, and as always, our guests’ security, safety and enjoyment are our utmost concerns.

  • Thank you Emily, we are looking forward to our cruise!

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